woman in orange shirt

Personal Coaching

Feedback. Accountability. Validation.

I wonder if this sounds like you?

➡️ You’ve been working on your novel for years. Perhaps even decades.

➡️ You have multiple versions and you don’t know which works best.

➡️ Even though it means everything to you, you’re not sure anyone will be interested in your novel.

➡️ It’s like a cloud hanging over you.

➡️ You’re a successful woman and can’t understand why this is the one thing to defeat you.

➡️ You don’t feel like a ‘real’ writer.

Do you want this instead?

🖊️ Feel confident and encouraged in your identity as a writer.

🖊️  Validate that your story is effective and engaging.

🖊️ Get feedback on your pages so you know your writing resonates.

🖊️ Stay accountable to write your pages and achieve your goals.

🖊️ Understand that struggles are a natural part of the writing process.

🖊️ Work with someone who is as passionate about your story as you are.

After 12 months with me as your coach you'll gain clear direction and focus for the book you want to write. Receive tailored feedback and guidance to make your book the best it can be. Together we'll build an effective plan and partnership to propel you to the finish line.

How it works

Valuable Feedback and Consistent Accountability.

You send your pages to me and I provide thoughtful inline edits using Word’s track changes, noting what’s resonating and opportunities to strengthen your writing. We meet twice a month via Zoom for collaborative sessions to review your pages. These will help you build a consistent writing habit. Meeting deadlines is crucial for any writer, so I’ll support you in setting and achieving your goals.

Specific, Actionable Feedback.

Get detailed, practical feedback every week so you refine your story as you write. I provide you with the framework so you can focus on writing instead of worrying about what to do next. Don’t waste any more time. My targeted feedback and effective process will empower you to evolve a compelling story worth sharing.

Steady Guidance and Support.

Write with confidence instead of isolation. I will provide consistent direction to help keep you focused and on track throughout the writing process. With compassionate yet focused support, I’ll be by your side each step of the way with the guidance you need to succeed. No more quitting because of self-doubt.

The result? You have a story you are proud of, new skills to carry throughout your writing journey, and a new sense of identity as a writer.

Is 12 months of 1:1 coaching is right for you?

Establishing an open, trusting relationship is the foundation of successful coaching. You must feel completely comfortable with me and receptive to my feedback for this partnership to be effective. My goal is for you to feel heard, understood, and confident.

For this to happen, I encourage you to schedule a complimentary 30-Minute Clarity Call.

During our Clarity Call, I’ll learn more about you and how I can best support you in finishing your novel. This is an opportunity for us to get acquainted and ensure we’re a great fit to work together.

If you’re writing an English language novel of 100,000 words or less, and are ready invest in your next step towards publication, let’s connect for an introductory 30-minute call to build our rapport and aligning on how we can turn your writing dreams into reality!

The cost is US$584 each month for 12 months.