Author Interview, Jess DuBose
Author Interview, Jess DuBose
Jess DuBose is an expert space holder. Through her business, Coaching with Jess, she helps women who struggle with relationships to connect deeply with themselves so they can step into their power and stand in the highest versions of themselves.
Jess has helped dozens of women grow in their self-love, understand their worth, create boundaries, hold the vision for their dreams and more.
Jess is a certified Big Leap Coach through the Hendricks Institute. Attending several seminars on relationships, play and self-development have molded Jess’s style of coaching.
She has been influenced by the works of Brené Brown, Glennon Doyle and Preston Smiles (to name a few). Jess is really a personal development “junkie” so feel free to ask her for a book recommendation. She will probably give you three!
Jess is a coach for KaBOOM Coaching where she serves coaches on their journeys to growing their businesses. She also creates personalized meditations and edits content and books for her colleagues.
Jess’s highest value is growth. She strives to grow each day. Above all, Jess emulates love.

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Starting out
In her first book, Jess shares her incredible journey through the deep pain of her divorce and her ultimate path to self-love. I Don’t Hate My Ex-Husband will guide you toward a deeper level of love from within.
The idea to write about this difficult period first popped into her head about 18 months ago. She mulled over the idea, jotting down stories and memories about her relationship with her ex-husband the subsequent demise of their marriage.
It was a friend who asked if she was every going to write the book and that question prompted her to set a deadline and meet it!
As a new writer Jess didn’t know what she didn’t know but made the decision to write the book, anyway. That decision shifted something inside of her and, as happens when you decide to do something, ‘time expands’.
Despite building and running a business, Jess made room for her writing and used a mixture of typing and dictating the content to ensure she got her words down.
Imposter syndrome
Despite encouragement from her ex-husband and friends, despite writing a lot of blog posts, newsletters and articles, Jess still struggled with imposter syndrome.
Even though she is a coach and has worked hard on her own self-development, she still doubted she had what it took to write a book.
The mantra that got her through that self doubt was ‘This is for me’. Writing the book was for Jess and if anyone else benefitted from it, that was a bonus.
That is such a healthy way to think of your writing journey, whether you write fiction or non-fiction. Knowing that you are writing for yourself first and foremost is a wonderful way to ease the pressure and make the whole process more enjoyable.
And it’s paid off – not only did she finish and publish her book, but at the time of recording our conversation her book was #46 is the Amazon store.
Find out more
If you’re interested in learning more out Jess’s work, you’ll find her on Instagram, Facebook and at her website,

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Emma Dhesi writes women’s fiction. She began writing seriously while a stay at home mum with 3 pre-school children.
By changing her mindset, being consistent and developing confidence, Emma has gone from having a collection of handwritten notes to a fully written, edited and published novel.
Having experienced first-hand how writing changes lives, Emma now helps beginner writers find the time and confidence to write their first novel.