Author Interview, Elisa Menz
Author Interview
Elisa Menz is a beginner author I met online. She told me she was close to finishing her novel and I thought she would be a marvellous person to chat to because she’s in the same position as many of you – close to finishing your elusive first draft!
She kindly joined me from lockdown in Chile and we chatted about how she got started and why she writes Fantasy.
Free time isn’t always productive time
She was very honest and admitted that now she is in lockdown, and has all the time in the world to write; she is far less disciplined than when she has to fit it in around her working life. I think that is something many of us can relate to!
She recommends the website Inkitt if you need to find friendly beta readers. There are readers and writers of all genres and Elisa says it’s been very helpful in boosting her confidence and maintaining momentum.
Writing in a second language
Elisa also talks about why she choses to write in English and not her native Spanish.
We discuss why resilience is so important for writers. At some stage someone will read your work and not everybody will like it, and that’s okay. It’s your story, you must write it your way.

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If you’ve been working on your novel for years (perhaps even decades) the maybe it's time to consider working with a coach.
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Emma Dhesi writes women’s fiction. She began writing seriously while a stay at home mum with 3 pre-school children.
By changing her mindset, being consistent and developing confidence, Emma has gone from having a collection of handwritten notes to a fully written, edited and published novel.
Having experienced first-hand how writing changes lives, Emma now helps beginner writers find the time and confidence to write their first novel.