Learn The 4 Folder Method with Rhonda Douglas
Writing mentor, Rhonda Douglas
Rhonda Douglas is an award-winning Canadian poet, fiction writer and writing mentor.
She’s the author of Welcome to the Circus (Freehand Books, 2015), How to Love a Lonely Man (Apt. 9 Press, 2013), and Some Days I Think I Know Things: The Cassandra Poems, (Signature Editions, 2008).
Her writing has been published across Canada and has won awards from The Malahat Review, Arc Poetry Magazine, Prairie Fire and Room Magazine, among others.
In 2012, Rhonda received her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia. She is also an alumna of the Humber School for Writers and the Banff Centre Writing Studio. Originally from Grand Bank, Newfoundland, Rhonda now lives in Ottawa, Ontario.
Publishers’ Weekly said her short fiction collection Welcome to the Circus “bubbles with originality and daring” and is “an exhilarating read.”

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Be strategic
Rhonda explains how she found her publisher. She was very strategic in her approach. She worked out who she wanted to work with, and which publishers would align with her work.
She made a list and methodically queried each one in turn. That forethought paid off, and she quickly found a publisher who loved her work and wanted to work with her.
Community plays a big role
Rhonda emphasises how important finding a writing community has been on her journey. It’s not always easy to find, but once you do, the camaraderie is priceless.
Not only can they pull you up when you’re feeling creatively down, but they can offer practical suggestions and advice for the next step in your writing career. Which was exactly what happened to Rhonda.

Creativity Coaching for authors
If you’ve been feeling stuck lately and need to find your way back to the page Rhonda can help with 1:1 coaching over a period of 3 months. The 3 months are essential for you to get the best out of the programme, and of yourself.
Rhonda will help you work through issues standing between you and your best work.
She offers an initial FREE 30 minute session so you can determine if you’d be a good fit to work together, so feel free to reach out and explore further.
Find out more
If you’re interested in learning more about Rhonda’s work you’ll find her at her Resilient Writers page on Facebook and her website, https://rhondadouglas.com/
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Emma Dhesi writes women’s fiction. She began writing seriously while a stay at home mum with 3 pre-school children.
By changing her mindset, being consistent and developing confidence, Emma has gone from having a collection of handwritten notes to a fully written, edited and published novel.
Having experienced first-hand how writing changes lives, Emma now helps beginner writers find the time and confidence to write their first novel.