Overcoming Writing Anxiety
Hello my lovely writers.
How do you feel calm when it comes to your writing? I know for lots of you, when you think about actually sitting down to do the writing, you start to panic. A wall of resistance slowly rises up and puts a barrier between you and your writing.
You need to be calm to enjoy your writing
Like anything else in life, if you want to do the best job you can with something and want it to be as fun and enjoyable as possible, you need to come to it with a calm disposition.
You need to be feeling relaxed around it and it’s exactly the same for your creative life.
The question to ask yourself is, when you think about writing – about actually sitting down to write, not just thinking about the ideas in your head – and it starts to get a bit panicky and you feel your blood pressure rising and your cheeks getting flushed, what can you do to help calm you down and to help reduce the cortisol going through your body like the clackers so you can come to your writing relaxed?
Overcoming writing anxiety
Maybe meditation or yoga works for you. Maybe doing a jigsaw or some knitting or just taking a walk around the block helps you to feel calm and reduces the panic you feel and gets you into the flow of thinking about your work before you actually sit down to do the writing.
The calmer you can be when you come to do your writing, the more enjoyable it’s going to be and the better the quality the work is going to be.
Have a think. What is it that works for you? How do you keep yourself calm so you can come to your desk and enjoy your writing?
Let me know.
Emma xx

Emma Dhesi
Emma Dhesi is an author mindset coach and bestselling author who helps writers let go of perfectionism, self-doubt and writer’s block through her signature programme, Unlock Your Creative Block.
She is the host of the YouTube Channel, Emma Dhesi, where she interviews debut and experienced authors alike.
Through her 1:1 coaching programme, Emma helps new authors start and finish their first novel. Emma provides personal written feedback on their pages and guides them through the emotional rollercoaster that is writing a novel!