How to find your writing process isn’t always easy when you’re at the beginning of your writing journey. 

Watch my video below, or read the post, to find out how to trust you already know what you need to know to start writing. 

Hello my lovely writers!

I had a super-duper question come into my inbox recently about how – if you’re at the beginning process of your writing – do you find your process, your method, your system, without getting overwhelmed with all of the information you’ve taken in? 

Most likely, you’ve done a lot of webinars, taken a lot of classes and read a lot of books. Perhaps, like many people, you’re addicted to writing courses. You’ve absorbed all this information and taken thousands of notes, so how do you make sense of it all when you’re at the beginning of your writing journey and trying to figure it all out? 

Unlock Your Creative Block

This is something I go into in a lot of detail in my course, Unlock Your Creative Block. This course is perfect for you if you’ve got mindset issues around writing and you’re feeling blocked. If you’ve been writing the same story for years and years and years and just not getting any further with it, there’s something else going on. Unlock Your Creative Block will help you delve into that and get to the bottom of it and find out what’s really stopping you from writing. 

How to find your writing process

Something to think about and get started with is, if you’ve been doing a lot of courses and webinars and have been reading books and taking all these notes, you’ve been taking it all in via osmosis. 

You come to a point where you’ve got to trust yourself. You’ve got to trust yourself that you’ve taken in enough information and you’ve done enough practice to get you to where you need to be right now. 

Does it mean you’re going to win a Pulitzer Prize? No. Does it mean you’re going to write a bestselling book? Probably not, let’s be honest. But does it mean you are where you need to be right now? Yes, it does. 

Everybody starts somewhere

Remember, everybody starts somewhere. I started somewhere. You’ve got to start somewhere. Hilary Mantel started somewhere. Stephen King started somewhere. Everybody starts somewhere and that’s where you are now. 

You just have to take what knowledge you have right now and go with it. Don’t overthink it. Don’t over complicate it. As humans, we have a tendency to do this. Just get writing the story. Don’t think you’ve got to plan everything out – you don’t. You’ve got an idea in your head, which you’ve been thinking about for a long, long time, or it’s a new idea and you’re very impassioned about it right now. 

It’s only by writing do you begin to reduce that overwhelm, begin to find out what your process is and begin to understand how you work individually as an author. You can read as many books as you want, but it’s not until you start doing the do of writing, do you figure out your own process, find out what you’re good at and where you need to improve. 

I hope that’s given you a starter but, if you’re starting out and feeling overwhelmed by everything, you’ve just got to get started. Acknowledge you’re feeling out of your depth, but how will you get any better if you don’t get out of your depth and start going?

So, get writing. 

Emma xx

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Emma Dhesi

Emma Dhesi is a Certified Author Accelerator Book Coach and bestselling author who helps writers let go of perfectionism, self-doubt and writer's block through her signature programme, Unlock Your Creative Block.

She is the host of the YouTube Channel, Emma Dhesi, where she interviews debut and experienced authors alike.

Through her 1:1 coaching programme, Emma helps new authors start and finish their first novel.

Emma provides personal written feedback on their pages and guides them through the emotional rollercoaster that is writing a novel!

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