Do you keep putting off your writing? It might surprise you to know that it’s not a lack of craft skills. Rather, it’s all in your head.
Watch the video to find out more.
Hello my lovely writers.
Let me ask you, do you want more than anything to write a book but, at the same time, you find you would rather do anything than sit down to write, so you never actually get to the writing?
You keep putting it off, keep putting it off, keep putting it off, and beat yourself up about it every time because you know more than anything else you want to write this book.
You want the writer’s life but you keep putting off your writing
You want to be the creative you see on Instagram, on Facebook, on the news, in newspaper articles and in interviews. You want to be living that life. You want to be writing books you love. You want to be talking to other writers who are writing the same sorts of stories you are writing and who you admire. You want to create this new life for yourself. You want it so, so much, you can almost taste it.
And yet, you will find any excuse, any reason, not to get your butt in the chair and do the writing. Whenever you think about doing the writing, this wall of resistance lifts itself up in front of you and, before you know it, your desk is the last thing you want to get to.
So, what’s that about?
You’re probably wondering, ‘Well, how come other people who are also nervous about their writing, get to it. They do it. They’re doing the do. They’re doing the writing. They’re publishing their books, they’re finding their agents, they’re finding their readers.’
Maybe you’re wondering, ‘What is it about me that stops me from doing it?’
The thing that’s holding you back from your writing
That’s where the switch comes. That’s where it’s not about craft. The thing that’s holding you back from your writing is not craft. You have no doubt taken lots of workshops, read lots of books, attended lots of webinars and done a lot of training. You know how to write a book. You’ve got the basics and the fundamentals to get you started. So why are you not getting started? Why are you not doing it?
That’s when there’s something deeper going on. That’s when imposter syndrome comes in. You might not think you’ve got it. You might be looking at other areas in your life where you’re thinking, ‘Well, I’m really successful in my paid job. I’m a great parent. I’m a wonderful partner. I’m a really loyal friend. In other areas of my life, I’m super, so I don’t have imposter syndrome. That’s not me.’
I’m afraid it is.
You have imposter syndrome
If you are not doing the writing, even though you want to do it more than anything else in the world, that’s where imposter syndrome comes in. I want you to have a think about that. I want you to be looking at where else in your life you might be stopping yourself from doing what you really want to do. Is it really craft that’s holding you back, or is it what’s going on in your head?
If you want more motivation, more encouragement, more ways of seeing past this and moving past your imposter syndrome, then I encourage you to sign up for my free 21 Days of Writing Inspiration series.
Over 21 days, I will send you a short little video motivating you to keep on going, helping you build that writing habit, to build your confidence, grow that confidence and help you move past imposter syndrome. Because, I promise you, it’s not craft that’s holding you back. It’s what you’re telling yourself about you as a writer and about your writing.
If you want to move past that, if you want to start this life, a writer’s life, then join my 21 Days of Writing Inspiration.
Emma xx

Emma Dhesi
Emma Dhesi is a Certified Author Accelerator Book Coach and bestselling author who helps writers let go of perfectionism, self-doubt and writer's block through her signature programme, Unlock Your Creative Block.
She is the host of the YouTube Channel, Emma Dhesi, where she interviews debut and experienced authors alike.
Through her 1:1 coaching programme, Emma helps new authors start and finish their first novel.
Emma provides personal written feedback on their pages and guides them through the emotional rollercoaster that is writing a novel!