Stop ‘finding’ time to write and start claming the time instead. After all, you have boundaries in place for everything else in your life, so why not your writing?

Watch my video below, or read the post, to find out how to claim the time to write. 

Hello my lovely writers!

If you want to write a book, you’ve got to stop “finding” time to write and start “claiming” it by putting boundaries in place. It’s as simple as that. There’s no two ways about it. 

Why do you need to do that? You’re probably wondering, ‘Why do I need to put boundaries in place? I manage to do everything else okay. I go to work, I get my kids to school, I make dinner. I do all the things I need to do, so why do I need to put extra boundaries in place for my writing?’ 

You’ve got boundaries in place for everything else

Well, that’s just it. You’ve got boundaries in place for all those other things, haven’t you? For example, you know when you need to turn up for your shift at work, or you know your day job is 9-5, Monday to Friday. Your employer has set those boundaries but they are there. 

If you need to collect your kids from school and do their after school activities, those boundaries are set. You know when they take place, you know where they take place and you make sure it happens. 

If you’re going out for dinner and you’ve booked the table or you’ve arranged to meet a friend, those boundaries have been put in place. That time is protected. 

It’s exactly the same for your writing. 

Finding time to write

Too many of you will say to yourself, ‘I will do this writing when I’ve done all the other things I need to do. Then I’ll feel free and relaxed and not under pressure and I can sit down and do my writing.’ 

But the trouble is, all of those other things take the place of the writing. Because you’ve got the boundary in place for all those other things but not for your writing, they encroach into your writing time and, before you know it, another weekend has gone by or, before you know it, it’s Friday again and still no writing has happened because your life is so busy. When you’ve got a lot going on, unless you ring fence that time and protect that writing time, other things will encroach on it. 

Those other things may also include watching TV or scrolling through social media. It might even include reading other people’s books instead of working on your own. But that is why boundaries are so important. Boundaries give you the protected space you need in order to slowly but surely put the words down and write that book. 

Ring fence your writing time

It’s not going to happen overnight. Writing a book is not a sprint, it is very much a marathon, especially when you’re writing those first few books. But we have to ring fence that time and protect that writing time or everything else is going to encroach upon it and we’ll never get that opportunity to build our confidence, to build our routine, to get to the end of the book and to learn our writing process

We’re always going to be chasing our tail unless we protect that time, put those boundaries in and give ourselves that space to really enjoy the writing and feel good about ourselves and balance that creative bit of our brain. 

So, put those boundaries in place. Get your book written and then you can email me and say, ‘I’ve written it, Emma. I put my boundaries in. I’ve written the book,’ and then tell me where I can get a copy. 

Emma xx

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Emma Dhesi

Emma Dhesi is a Certified Author Accelerator Book Coach and bestselling author who helps writers let go of perfectionism, self-doubt and writer's block through her signature programme, Unlock Your Creative Block.

She is the host of the YouTube Channel, Emma Dhesi, where she interviews debut and experienced authors alike.

Through her 1:1 coaching programme, Emma helps new authors start and finish their first novel.

Emma provides personal written feedback on their pages and guides them through the emotional rollercoaster that is writing a novel!

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