We all have a unique perspective and it’s that uniqueness that makes our writing special.
Watch the video or read the text below to find out more about our uniqueness.
Hello my lovely writers.
I wanted to share a little bit of a conversation that came up for me yesterday about how unique you are and it’s that uniqueness that makes your writing special.
This is something a lot of new writers don’t trust about themselves – that they have their own voice, their own style, their own way of writing, their own way of putting down a story onto paper and their own way of structuring a story.
We all have a unique perspective
Each of us come to the page with our own life histories, our own personalities, our own take on things and our own way of telling a story.
These things combined are what make us unique. They make you unique. Nobody else could take the same storyline and write it the way you write it. You could have ten people given the same brief or given the same story but each person will come to it very differently. You’ll know this if you’ve taken part in any workshops where you’ve been given a line or two and told to create a story from that line.
Everybody does it differently. Some people will start with the line. Some people will end with the line. Some people will put the line in the middle. Everybody brings their own unique perspective to it and this is exactly the same when you’re writing a book. Just the same as when you’re doing an exercise in a workshop, you bring your uniqueness to it. Remember though, even though your story will be unique to you, it’s not representative of your self-worth and your book is not your baby.
Trust the process
I want to encourage you to trust the process. You might not know what it is yet but there is a process and it’s only by doing the writing, by doing the practice, by finishing stories do you get to know what your process is and learn to trust it, learn to lean into it and ultimately learn to enjoy your writing.
I hope that gives you a little bit of something you need today.
You are unique.
Emma xx

Emma Dhesi
Emma Dhesi is a Certified Author Accelerator Book Coach and bestselling author who helps writers let go of perfectionism, self-doubt and writer's block through her signature programme, Unlock Your Creative Block.
She is the host of the YouTube Channel, Emma Dhesi, where she interviews debut and experienced authors alike.
Through her 1:1 coaching programme, Emma helps new authors start and finish their first novel.
Emma provides personal written feedback on their pages and guides them through the emotional rollercoaster that is writing a novel!