Hello my lovely writers, how are you?
This morning, I was looking at photographs of my cats, as cat lovers do, and thinking about how beautiful they are, just as they are. Cats don’t try to be something they’re not. They don’t put on airs and graces for the family or the other cats with whom they live. They simply are. They simply exist. They do their thing.
Writers are storytellers
That got me thinking about writers and how we need to just do our thing as well. We don’t need to try to impress anybody. Writers are storytellers and we have our own unique story to tell. We’ve just got to tell the story. Just telling the story – that was one thing a theatre director of mine used to say. He’d say to us when we were in rehearsal, ‘Don’t overcomplicate it. Don’t try to make this part or this play be something it’s not. You’re just telling the story. Keep it simple.’ It’s a phrase I come back to a lot in everything I do. I keep saying to myself, ‘Writers are storytellers. Just tell the story. Keep it simple. Don’t overcomplicate it. Don’t worry about things you don’t need to worry about. Just tell the story.’
Unlock Your Creative Block
If you need help just telling the story, check out my course, Unlock Your Creative Block and see how you can come and work with me. I’ll help you unlock the creative blocks you’ve got so you can break past writer’s block and tell your story.
Emma xx

Emma Dhesi
Emma Dhesi is a Certified Author Accelerator Book Coach and bestselling author who helps writers let go of perfectionism, self-doubt and writer's block through her signature programme, Unlock Your Creative Block.
She is the host of the YouTube Channel, Emma Dhesi, where she interviews debut and experienced authors alike.
Through her 1:1 coaching programme, Emma helps new authors start and finish their first novel.
Emma provides personal written feedback on their pages and guides them through the emotional rollercoaster that is writing a novel!