How to edit your novel with Stacy Juba

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Written by emmadhesi

How to edit your novel with Stacy Juba

by Emma Dhesi | Turning Readers Into Writers

This interview was recorded as part of my Author Accelerator season, hosted in my free Facebook Group, Turning Readers Into Writers, in August 2020.

Who is Stacy Juba?

Stacy Juba has written sweet and sassy chick lit novels, mysteries about determined women sleuths, and entertaining books for young adults and children. 

She has had novels ranked as #5 and #11 in the Nook Store and #30 on the Amazon Kindle Paid List. Her books include the Storybook Valley chick lit series and the Hockey Rivals young adult sports novels. 

Stacy is also a freelance developmental editor, online writing instructor, and an award-winning journalist. She is the founder of Shortcuts for Writers, and her signature course, Book Editing Blueprint: A Step-By-Step Plan to Making Your Novels Publishable, empowers fiction writers to think like an editor so they can save time and money. 

She also runs the Shortcuts for Writers: Editing Made Simple group on Facebook.

Early starter

Stacy talks to me about how she got started in the world or publishing and she has her own Cinderella story there.

She won a competition at the age of 16 and had her first novel published. It’s still in print and now has a sequel.

Stacy has written across many genres, including chick lit, YA and Mystery. She’s been very proactive and when she can’t find a story she wants to read, she writes it.

Shortcuts for Writers

Stacy has a website and Facebook group call Shortcuts for Writers. Through her website you’ll find her online programme, Book Editing Blueprint.  

Learn more about the programme and how it can help you get your book into the best shape possible, before you spend money on a professional editor, or send it to an agent.

Listen to the podcast to find out exactly how it can help, and why investing in this one course will save you hundreds later on down the line.

Developmental Editing

When you have gotten as far with your manuscript as you can, then is the time to hire a professional editor.

You can go to somewhere like Reedsy to find an editor, but Stacy also offers an editorial service, and it’s well worth checking out before you look elsewhere.

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Find out more

You can learn more about Stacy Juba on Facebook and on her website, Shortcuts For Writers.

If you’re ready to dive straight in, you have access to Stacy’s FREE editing course HERE

Join Stacy’s mailing list and be the first to get her Energize Your Writing Toolkit.

If you are trying to write your novel, but lack the confidence or self-belief to see it through to the end, then join me in Unlock Your Creative Block.

It's the only programme that gets to the heart of why you can't finish your book, even though it's what you want to do more than anything else in the world.

Alliance of Independent Authors

Shortcuts for Writers


Do you feel as if you don’t have the time or the money to invest in editing your novel? I know an online course that can help you to transform your manuscript WITHOUT breaking the bank. It’s called Book Editing Blueprint: A Step-By-Step Plan To Making Your Novels Publishable, and it was created by Stacy Juba of Shortcuts for Writers. 


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